What was the biggest challenge before you used Orah at your school?
The ineffectiveness of sharing of student information amongst faculty and the lack of transparency.
What was the process of getting started with Orah like?
Smooth. Our school completed a trial period for six weeks before completing the purchase.
What has the success/support team at Orah been like to work with?
Superb. They are always available to answer questions and provide feedback.
What was it like to get the rest of your team up and running with Orah?
Successful yet cumbersome at times, depending on the faculty member and their competence with technology.
What has allowed you to be so successful with Orah?
The pilot period initially allowed us to achieve "buy-in" from faculty before fully transforming the system. Moreover, we introduced the system gradually and sought to understand the fundamentals of the system before getting too sophisticated with Orah.
Has there been a particular Orah feature that has helped you the most?
The leave system, specifically the function where students can initiate, has been helpful. Moreover, the pastoral tab allows us to better track and communicate infractions in dorms. Overall, the web based function and transparency of Orah makes communication smooth in real time.
What would you say to other schools looking to implement Orah at their school?
Utilize it for a pilot period and see how you like it. You'll be impressed!
What made you choose Orah over the other options out there?
Customer service and the simplicity in the system functions.